Next Big Action!!!

LionWith their most recent excommunication antics, the Mormon Church has decided NOT to protect their children.

However, the Church HAS chosen to protect what they view as more important:

  1. The apostle’s power and reputation.  Hypocrites!  Their first priority should be the children, not themselves.
  2. The Mormon right to expose children to physical sexual abuse.
  3. The Mormon right to expose children to psychological abuse.  Also known as covert abuse.

I have news for the Mormon Church.  As they continue to enforce the absurd policies that damage kids, the reputation of their leaders will continue to be trashed.  Not by Sam Young.  Their character will be vilified by their own actions.

Furthermore, they have NO right to employ sexual interrogations.  They traumatize children.  In the state of Texas, child abuse includes: “Inflicting mental or emotional injury impairing a child’s growth, development or psychological functioning.”  Thousands of testimonials witness that this type of child abuse has been perpetrated over and over and over in bishop’s offices around the world.  IT…IS…CRIMINAL!!!


The Church used it’s biggest hammer to pound me into silence.  I will not be silent.

The all powerful Mormon apostles intended to intimidate me.  Intimidation by hypocrisy does not terrify a moral cause.

They sought to stigmatize me with shame.  Only I have the capacity to stamp myself with shame…by walking away from my friends.  Well…I am not going to take that shameful bend in the road.  The apostles have chosen the shameful path.  I will not follow.  The children and the gospel of Jesus Christ are of infinitely greater import.


I have decided to publish The Book of Stories.

The Crescendo of awareness has dramatically increased.  Each action has built on the success of the previous action.  Publishing The Book is going to be bigger than anything we have done so far.

The target audience is no longer the apostles nor the membership of the Church.  This Book will be written to the general public.  Church leaders and their obedient followers will be relegated to the sidelines.  They will witness a national discussion unfold regarding “covert” child abuse.  The Mormon Church will be highlighted as the biggest and baddest example of unacceptable behavior.

Over the past 3 days, I have been tutored by a publishing expert.  An exciting course has been charted.  It will generate a ton of exposure in both national and local media.  A lot of work lays ahead with a plethora of moving parts.  I now see a clear path to producing a gigantic impact.



When stories were originally submitted to, I had no vision that a book could eventually be the result.  So I didn’t ask for permission to publish the stories in print.  That process began 3 weeks ago.  An email has sent to each submitter requesting permission.  At this point, several hundred permissions have been granted.

Below is the email request.  If you submitted a story and have not responded to the permission request, please do soon.  Simply contact me at

If you experienced an inappropriate youth interview and have not submitted your story, feel free to do it soon.  Story submissions can be made HERE.


Dear Story Contributor,

First, let me thank you for taking the time to write out your story and submit it to Protect LDS Children’s website.  That alone has helped protect many children today and has promoted healing of yesterday’s children who are now adults.  I hope that sharing your story has been therapeutic for your childhood wounds.

I’m writing today to give you a heads up and ask your permission. 

As you know, I have implemented several actions to encourage the Mormon Church to revise their dangerous and irresponsible interview protocol for minors.   I’ve now decided on a major next step…to publish the stories in book form.  I’m very sensitive to the survivors and have decided not to publish any story without permission.  So, if you would like your story included, please respond to this email indicating that you give permission.  If you prefer not to grant authorization, that is perfectly ok and understandable.

I’d also like to list geographic info.  If you are willing, please provide the following.  This is not a requirement to have your story included.

Where did the offensive interviews occur?  List which state/states or which country if outside the U.S.

Where do you currently reside?  State or country if outside the U.S.

Here is what I hope to accomplish by publishing:

  1. Create additional awareness of what the Mormon Church sanctions behind closed doors.
  2. Raise consciousness of what damages are being caused by Mormon interview policies.
  3. Assist more and more Mormon parents to decide to protect their own children.
  4. Continue to promote healing for those who have submitted stories and the tens of thousands who don’t feel comfortable sharing their story at this time.
  5. Nudge the Church into implementing the protections that all other institutionalized churches already have put into place:  No one-on-one interviews, no sexually explicit questions, ever.


  • How will each story be titled?  1) ‘Name Hidden’ or 2) with the first name and initial of the last n name.  Generally, I’ll follow the instructions from the initial submission.  If you want it to appear differently, just let me know when you email in your permission.
  • Not all stories will be included.  Currently, there are about 950 submissions.  The editor will give input on how much the length of the book will need to be adjusted.  I can’t guarantee which stories it will actually contain.
  • If any profits accrue they will go to Protect the Children Association ( to fund further actions.

I’ve never undertaken a project like this before.  So, I have no idea what a realistic time frame is.  My hope is to get a book out in the next 6 to 18 months.  Every week that goes by, thousands of children are put at risk.  As a result, I feel urgency in my gut.

Thanks for your consideration.

Love and warm regards,

Sam Young,


Another Bishop Protecting Children

March Sign Worthiness2

A Recent Email

I wanted to send a heart felt thank you for standing up and putting your neck on the line regarding the Bishop interviews and sexual questions. I heard on NPR today you were excommunicated. I believe your fight is worth it. 

Earlier this year, my Father had just been called to be a Bishop.  I immediately knew I needed to talk about the Bishop interviews with my Father now that he was in this leadership role. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up. Then I read your story in the news, and sent it to my Father.

As a youth in the church, it is all fun and beautiful until you hit about 12, and yes, the Bishop interview threw me off.  Why was this man asking me these questions? I could never look that Bishop in the eyes again without feeling gross. I avoided him.

Flash forward to hearing about your story earlier this year. I sent a link to an article about you to my Father. And it opened the dialogue.  For the first time in my life I told my Father we needed to talk about this issue.  That I wanted to share my story with him. My father cried when I told him what happened to me. 

My Father, still a Bishop, has promised to not ask sexual questions to youth, and has promised to invite parents or church leaders to interviews.  I asked my Father to be an example of what the church could and should be.  I believe he will.

Thank you again for championing this important issue. For sacrificing your name on the church records. It has made a difference.

My response

Your message sent goose bumps down my arms and legs.   Still there.  Electrifying.  By speaking with your father you have provided a level of protection to the children of his ward and to him.  Amazing.  In my mind, I’m hugging you with love and admiration.

Would you mind if I publicly shared some of the details of this email?  Anonymously of course.  It’s such great news.

Warmest regards, Sam


To date, actions have been directed at 3 audiences:

  1. The Q15.  I had hoped that as they were confronted with the massive damage their policies have done to thousands of children that they would change the policy in a substantive way.  The 15 chose to excommunicate rather than to mitigate.  I no longer plan to reach out to these men who turn a blind eye to their own victims.
  2. The Mormon members.  My hopes are that parents and local leaders will implement changes to protect their own children, their congregation and themselves.  The email above is one of many witnesses that Protect LDS Children has accomplished a great work here.  Many children are being protected from harmful interviews and potential predators.  However, most members have either not heard of our cause or have chosen to support the policy from SLC.  Going forward, I’ll continue to reach out to the fine members and good-hearted leaders in the Church.
  3. Non-members.  Our cause has now reached the ears of millions of people outside the Mormon Church.  They get it.  I have never talked to a non-Mormon who wasn’t disgusted.  Nor was anyone previously aware of what Mormons subject their children to.  Our efforts to reach this group has met with resounding success.  We will continue to spread the word in the community-at-large.


You can make a difference!

Talk to your friends, your family, your local Mormon leadership.  If it’s not safe to discuss with members of the church, spread the news to every non-member you encounter.

Appeal Response–Zombies in our Midst


Around 2pm today,  I received a call from the stake executive secretary.  He informed me that the stake president would like to come by and visit right away.   My home was a-swirl in wedding preparations.  So, we decided to meet in the church at 4:15.

I arrived at 4:00.  No one there.  I sat on the couch facing the outside door where the stake president makes his entrances.

At 4:15, the stake president and my former bishop made their timely appearance.  I stood.  We shook hands.  The stake president gave me a hug.  About one minute of pleasantries. Then, as we stood in the hallway, the following interchange ensued .

SP:  The First Presidency has reviewed and responded to your appeal.

SAM:  Cool.

SP:  They have affirmed the decision of the council.

SAM:  Okay.

SP:  I wanted to pass that on to you and also extend warm regards.  I urge you to qualify to return in the prescribed way.  I wanted to deliver that message on their behalf.

SAM:  So, it’s not in writing or email?

SP:  I’ve received a letter.

SAM:  Do I get a letter?

SP:  No.

SAM:  I don’t get a letter on this?

SP:  No, its’ just a verbal one.

SAM:  Okay.  I’ve got a couple of questions on this.  First, before the council, I signed an agreement not to record.  The letter said that everyone on the council was going to sign that agreement and that no one was to record it in any form.  But, I didn’t see anybody else sign it.  You had me sign it here in the hall.  Can I get a copy of everybody else’s signatures who signed the “no record agreement?”

SP:  I’ll check on that and see.

SAM:  Is that not your decision to make?

SP:  I’m not prepared to answer your questions right now.

SAM:  Okay.

SP:  We’ve gone through the council and I’m here to deliver that message.

(He slowly starts to back towards the outside door.)

SAM:  The second thing I’d like to ask is this.  Nobody was supposed to record anything.  Yet, Joey was there to record it in writing.  Since I was forbidden to record it, I’d like to get a copy of the record that you all made.  Can I get a copy that?

SP:  I don’t know.  Those are confidential on our part.

SAM:  But, I heard everything that went on in that council.  I was told not to record and I was told that nobody else was going to record it.  But you guys did record it.

SP:  Sam, I’m just here to deliver this message.

SAM:  Well, since you mentioned my preparing to return, I’ve got one other question.

SP:  Uh huh.

(SP turns and increases his pace towards the front door.  I follow.)

SAM:  What do I need to do in order to come back?

SP:  It’s written in the letter that you received from me.

SAM:  It just said that I needed to join the covenant path and repent.  But I……(Cut off by the SP.)

(They pass through the 1st outside door.  I follow.)

SP:  It’s written in the letter that you received.  Thank you and have a great…..(Cut off by Sam.)

SAM:  So why did they not give this to me in writing?  Part of my reasoning for appeal was to let you off the hook for making this decision.  I wanted it to come from the First Presidency.  So why wouldn’t they put it in writing?

(We walk out the 2nd outside door into the cool seasonal weather.)

SP:  Sam, all those questions you are asking…I’m not prepared to give any answers other than the message I’m delivering.

(We walk down the short walkway to the parking lot)

SAM:  So, how do I get answers to those questions?  Do we meet again and you answer the questions I just mentioned?


(I stop at the edge of the parking lot.  They continue the short distance to their cars)

SAM: We’re not going to meet?  So basically I can’t get any answers to the questions I just asked?

(Car doors open)

SP:  Have a wonderful day.  Thank you.

(I call out as they get in their cars.)

SAM:  Okay….I just want to tell you that this is one weird, weird thing. 

(They close their doors and drive away.  I stand there dumbfounded at the oddity of what just transpired.)

I believe that my stake president is a good man.  He’s certainly successful in worldy terms.  But, I now have a clear picture that the LDS church is capable of turning a good man into a mindless zombie.  A will-less robot following instructions from his Mormon masters.

No compassion.  No friendship.  No outreach.  Distant and detached.

Anxious to flee the presence of the evil excommunicated apostate.

Nothing Christ-like whatsoever.

I wish he and the bishop well.  They will be better off without the thorn of Sam in their sides.  I hope that when doubts arise in their dark-night-of-the-soul that they’ll consider this excommunicated thorn as a safe place to talk.

A very weird encounter indeed.

Of course, this WILL NOT deter my determination to protect the kids.

Other Resources

Excommunication Appeal

Exommunication Edict

Excommunication Summons

One Child shamed to death, One Child pounds the bishop’s desk

Lions Surround Yourself

Story #278

Earlier this year, #278 submitted her personal story of heart-wrenching childhood shaming.  The story of this now mother, just became even more tragic.  Here’s her original submission to

I grew up in an abusive home. I was raped for the first time when I was 7. I spent decades trying to convince my “leaders” that it wasn’t my fault. They insisted that I must have done something and I needed to repent (after all, what’s the point of a worthiness interview if you don’t get to spread some shame?). All the shaming just made me more vulnerable to the abuse. They could have helped me. They could have helped my abuser. Instead they dealt lasting damage to my sense of self and my sense of worth. I couldn’t get away from the abuse and the abuser until after my kids had also been damaged. We are now dealing with the 4th major mental health crisis to hit our family of 6. My daughter is in the hospital and has been for 3 months with no end in sight. It didn’t have to be this way.

Today, she sent me this message.  I cried.  My dear friend, I’m so sorry for your loss.

Since I wrote to you my daughter has died, shamed to death by the LDS church. It would please me to write something for her to be included in the pool of stories if that fits with your goal. She was transgender and the interviews about sex and sexuality contributed to her death. Again, thank you for doing this. We can’t save everyone, but I’ll still try.

#278’s story can also be read HERE.

Story #944

Some children mature before many adults do.  Here’s a 16 year old’s reaction to her probing bishop’s interview:  “A rage inside of me began. I stood up and unleashed holy hell on that piece of shit.”  I am so proud of this child, now an adult.  My rage didn’t surface until age 64.  I stood up and unleashed holy hell on a piece of crap Mormon policy.

I was born and raised in the Mormon Church along with my older sister and older brother. The brainwashing began for me at a very early age. Monthly testimony meetings and being led to believe that the bishop had a direct line of communication with the Lord molded my brain to believe that the Bishop knew everything and saw everything.

I was 16 when I had my “worthiness “ interview to see if I was “pure” enough to enter the temple. I was a virgin. I had never had any type of sexual experience. I had only kissed a boy that I had been best friends with for years. I had no knowledge of what an orgasm was either male or female.

I sat across from the bishop (I wish I could say that bastard’s name), he in his 3 piece slimy greasy suit and I dressed conservatively in a dress. The questions came immediately. Have I masturbated, have I participated in heavy petting, oral sex, have I had an orgasm.

As each question was asked, the more confused, disgusted, horrified, sick, humiliated, exposed, vulnerable, basically every emotion a young woman would feel as she is being raped, I felt!!! I told the bishop that I didn’t know what an orgasm was. He proceeded to tell me in graphic detail. He also described in detail how it feels to him and how it feels to his wife when they have sex and have an orgasm as well.

I knew that what he was doing to me was wrong. My personal relationship with the Lord and the Lord as I knew him to be would not do this to me. A rage inside of me began. I stood up and unleashed holy hell on that piece of shit. I slammed both fists on his desk and told him to f__k off and that I would never ever return to this evil church again.

#944’s full story can be read HERE.